
Devonian Black Shales
in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio

The type section of the Chattanooga Shale near Hurricane Bridge, DeKalb County, Tennessee.  We learned a lot from that section.
Exposure of New Albany Shale near along I-65, near Bernheim Forest/KY. This section is described in the guidebook for the 2004 SEPM field trip.
Stream bed with outcrop of Olentangy Shale, alternating black and gray shale beds, Columbus/Ohio. 
Trace fossils in black shale bed of Olentangy Shale, Columbus/Ohio.
Knife-sharp contact between Olentangy (below) and Huron Shale (above).  Stream bed, Columbus/Ohio.
Lower Huron Shale with large carbonate concretion. Columbus/Ohio. The concretions contain preserved radiolaria (enriched in laminae).
Erosional contact (marked by hammer tip) within lower Huron Shale.  Shale below weathers blocky, shale above weathers fissile/papery.  Joint orientation also differ between the two shale units.
Yours truly and the Chagrin Shale with the famous Foerstia Zone (marked by ruler), an important biostratigraphic marker.  Columbus/Ohio.
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© Jürgen Schieber, IU Bloomington Department of Geosciences
Last updated: February 08, 2022.