FEI Quanta 400 FEG ESEMNSF funded |
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Schieber, J., and Riciputi, L., 2005, Pyrite-marcasite coated
grains in the Ordovician Winnipeg Formation, Canada: An
intertwined record of surface conditions, stratigraphic
condensation, geochemical “reworking”, and microbial activity.
Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 75, p. 905-918.
Coby, Aaron J. and Flynn W. Picardal (2005). Inhibition of NO3-
and NO2- Reduction by Microbial Fe(III) Reduction: Evidence of a
Reaction Between NO2- and Cell Surface-Bound Fe2+. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology
Lefticariu, L., Pratt, L. M., and Ripley, E. M.
(2006) Mineralogical
and sulfur isotope effects accompanying the oxidation of pyrite
in millimolar solutions of hydrogen peroxide at temperatures
from 4 to 150 °C.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
70 (19), 4889-4905.
Lefticariu, M., Perry, E. C., Ward, W., and
Lefticariu L.(2006)
Post-Chicxulub depositional and diagenetic history of the
northwestern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
Sedimentary Geology, 183(1-2), 51-69.
Milliken, K., Choh, S.-J., Papazis, P., and Schieber, J., 2007,
“Cherty” stringers in the Barnett
Shale are agglutinated foraminifera. Sedimentary Geology, v.
198, p. 221-232.
Schieber, J., 2007, Oxydation of Detrital Pyrite as a Cause for
Marcasite Formation in Marine Lag Deposits from the Devonian of
the Eastern US. Deep Sea Research II, v. 54, p. 1312-1326.
Ventura, G.T., Kenig, F., Reddy, C.M., Schieber, J., Frysinger,
G., Nelson, R.K., Gaines, R.B., and Shaeffer, P., 2007,
Molecular evidence of Late Archean archea and the presence of a
subsurface hydrothermal biosphere.
Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, v. 104, p.
Schieber, J., and Glamoclija, M., 2007, Microbial Mats Built by
Iron Bacteria: A Modern Example from Southern Indiana. In:
Atlas of microbial mat features preserved within the clastic
rock record, J. Schieber et al. (Eds.), Elsevier, p. 233-24.
J., 2007, Flume Experiments on the Durability of Sandy Microbial
Mat Fragments During Transport. In: Atlas of microbial mat
features preserved within the clastic rock record, J. Schieber
et al. (Eds.), Elsevier, p. 248-257.
J., Southard, J.B., and Thaisen, K., 2007,
Accretion of mudstone beds from
migrating floccule ripples. Science, v. 318, p. 1760-1763.
Lefticariu, L., Schimmelmann, A., Pratt, L. M.,
and Ripley, E. M. (2007)
Oxygen isotope fractionation during oxidation of pyrite by H2O2
and its dependence on temperature.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (21),
Schieber, J., 2007, Flume
Experiments on the Durability of Sandy Microbial Mat Fragments
During Transport. In: Atlas of microbial mat features preserved
within the clastic rock record, J. Schieber et al. (Eds.),
Elsevier, p. 248-257.
Schieber, J., and Glamoclija, M.,
2007, Microbial Mats Built by Iron Bacteria: A Modern Example
from Southern Indiana. In: Atlas of microbial mat features
preserved within the clastic rock record, J. Schieber et al.
(Eds.), Elsevier, p. 233-244.
Schieber, J., Sur, S., and Banerjee,
S., 2007, Benthic Microbial Mats in Black Shale Units from the
Vindhyan Supergroup, Middle Proterozoic of India: The Challenges
of Recognizing the Genuine Article. In: Atlas of microbial mat
features preserved within the clastic rock record, J. Schieber
et al. (Eds.), Elsevier, p. 189-197.
Basu, A., Patranabis-Deb, S., Schieber, J., and Dhang, P.C.,
2008, Stratigraphic Position of the ~1000 Ma Sukhda Tuff (Chhattisgarh
Supergroup) and the 500 Ma question. Precambrian Research, v.
167, p. 383-388.
Patranabis-Deb, S., Schieber, J., and Basu, A., 2009, Almandine
Garnet Phenocrysts in a ~1Ga Old Rhyolitic Tuff from Central
India. Geological Magazine, v. 146, p. 133-143.
Schieber, J., 2009, Discovery of Agglutinated Benthic
Foraminifera in Devonian Black Shales and Their Relevance for
the Redox State of Ancient Seas. Paleogeograpy, Paleoclimatology,
Paleoecology, v. 271, p. 292-300.
Conference Abstracts
Schieber, J., 2004, Marcasite in sediments and sedimentary rocks
– conundrum and opportunity. EOS, November 23rd 2004, p. F1004.
Schieber, J., 2005, A Differential Scanning Electron Microscope
Color-Cathodoluminescence Approach to Provenance Determination
of Quartz in Devonian Shales of the Eastern US. AAPG Annual
Meeting in Calgary, Abstract Volume, p. A123.
Schieber, J., 2005, Early Diagenesis of New Albany Shale (Upper
Devonian) Flooding Surfaces – An Intertwined Record of
Fe-sulfide, Fe-carbonate, and Silica Deposition in Dysoxic
Surface Sediments. AAPG Annual Meeting in Calgary, Abstract
Volume, p. A124.
Mainwaring, P.R., and Schieber, J., 2005, A New Approach to
Color Cathodoluminescence Imaging of Mudstones in the Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM). AAPG Annual Meeting in Calgary,
Abstract Volume, p. A85.
Schieber, J., 2005, Granular microbial habitats built from iron
sulfides: Alternative microbial lifestyles? 36th
Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston, March 14-18st
2005, Abstract No. 1972, Abstract Volume – CD.
Buono, A., Brophy, J., Schieber, J., and Basu, A., 2005,
Experimental production of pure iron globules from melts of
lunar soil-compositions. 36th Lunar and Planetary
Sciences Conference, Houston, March 14-18st 2005,
Abstract No. 2066, Abstract Volume – CD.
Schieber, J., and Wintsch, R.P., 2005, Scanned Colour
Cathodoluminescence Establishes A Slate Belt Provenance for
Detrital Quartz in Devonian Black Shales of the Appalachian
Basin. 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Geoch.
Cosmoch. Acta, v. 10, Suppl. 1, p. A592.
Schieber, J., 2005, Morphological Variability of Pyrite
Framboids from Santa Barbara Basin Sediments – A Question of
Nature vs. Nurture? GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. 37/7, p. 253.
Schieber, J., 2005, Agglutinated Foraminifera in Devonian Black
Shales of the Eastern US: Implications for Paleoenvironmental
Reconstructions. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. 37/7, p. 188.
Deb, S.P., Chaudhuri, A.K., Schieber, J., and Basu, A., 2005,
Neoproterozoic garnetiferous tuff beds in the Chattisgarh Basin
of central India: First Report. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. 37/7,
p. 219.
Papazis, P., Milliken, K.L., Choh, S.-J., Schieber, J., and
Macquaker, J. 2005, The widespread occurrence of agglutinated
foraminifera in black shales. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. 37/7, p.
Harvey M.C. (2005) Acinoform black carbon at the K/T boundary.
Union of Geosci. Mtg., Vienna, Austria, April.
Harvey M.C. (2005) Carbonaceous spheroidal particles at the K/T
boundary. Soc. Org. Petrogr. Mtg., Lexington, KY, September.
Glamoclija, M., and Schieber, J., 2006, Biotic Contributions to
the Formation of Submarine Iron-Rich Hydrothermal Crusts Near
the Panarea Island, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. 37th Lunar
and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston, March 13-17st
2006, Abstract No. 1135, Abstract Volume – CD.
Schieber, J., Glamoclija, M., Schimmelmann, A., and Thaisen, K.,
2006, Snot, Sticks, and Lots of Water: Iron Microbes as
Minimalist Architects. 37th Lunar and Planetary
Sciences Conference, Houston, March 13-17st 2006,
Abstract No. 2004, Abstract Volume – CD.
Schieber, J., and Schimmelmann, A., 2006, High resolution pyrite
framboid size distribution in Santa Barbara Basin sediments:
Implications for the study of black shales. Eos Trans. AGU,
87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS46A-11.
Schieber, J., Southard, B., and Thaisen, K., 2006, Accretion of
Mudstone Beds from Migrating Floc-Ripples. GSA Abstr. W. Progr.,
v. 38/7, p. tba.
Krinsley, D., Schieber, J., and Golledge, S., 2006, Studying the
distribution of Molybdenum in a Black Shale with ToF-SIMS. GSA
Abstr. W. Progr., v. 38/7, p. tba.
Glamoclija, M., Schieber, J., and Szynkiewicz, A., 2006,
Bacterial Signatures in Iron-Rich Hydrothermal Crusts,
Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. 6th European Workshop on
Astrobiology, Lyon, France, 16-18th October 2006.
Schieber, J., 2007, Organic Production by Iron Microbial Mats –
Implications for Volcaniclastic Successions and Hydrocarbons on
Mars. AAPG Annual Meeting in Long Beach, CA, Abstract Volume, p.
Schieber, J., Southard, J., and Thaisen, K., 2007, The
Sedimentology of Milk - Studying Deposition and Transport Modes
of Moving Clay Suspensions. AAPG Annual Meeting in Long Beach,
CA, Abstract Volume, p. 124.
Stoesz, E., Wintsch, R.P., and Schieber, J., 2007, Textural
evidence for reaction hardening by feldspar precipitation in
mylonites. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. xx/y, p. tba.
Schieber, J., Glamoclija, M., and Thaisen, K., 2007, Experiments
on Fossilization of Iron Microbes – A Preliminary Report. 38th
Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston, March 12-16st
2007, Abstract No. 1626, Abstract Volume – CD.
Glamoclija, M., Schieber, J., and Reimold, W.U., 2007,
Microbial Signatures from Impact-Induced Hydrothermal Settings
of the Ries Crater, Germany; A Preliminary Study. 38th
Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston, March 12-16st
2007, Abstract No. 1989, Abstract Volume – CD.
Glamoclija, M., Schieber, J., Szynkiewicz, A., and Beard, B.,
2007, Sulfur and Iron Geochemistry, and their Relations to
Microbial Communities from the Submarine Hydrothermal Site North
of Panarea Island, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. 38th Lunar
and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston, March 12-16st
2007, Abstract No. 2270, Abstract Volume – CD.
Schieber, J., and Schimmelmann, A., 2007, High Resolution Study
of Pyrite Framboid Distribution in Santa Barbara Basin Sediments
and Implications for Water-Column Oxygenation. PACLIM 2007
Glamoclija, M., and Schieber, J., 2007, Fossil Microbial
Signatures from Impact Induced Hydrothermal Settings of the
Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure; A Preliminary SEM Study. GSA
Abstr. W. Progr., v. xx/y, p. tba.
Ventura, G.T., Kenig, F., Reddy, C.M., Schieber, J., Nelson, R.K.,
Dinel, E., and Frysinger, G.S., 2007, Molecular evidence of Late
Archean archea and the presence of a subsurface hydrothermal
biosphere. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. xx/y, p. tba.
Schieber, J., and Southard, J., 2007, Flume Experiments in
Mudstone Sedimentology: Floccule Formation in the Deposition and
Erosion of Muds. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. xx/y, p. tba.
E., Wintsch, R.P., and Schieber, J., 2007, Polycyclic
deformation and cementation in the exhumed Norumbega Fault Zone,
Maine – New Hampshire. GSA Abstr. W. Progr., v. xx/y, p. tba.