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1. Microbial Mats and Precambrian Metallogeny. Lecture at the University of Tübingen, West Germany, November 14th 1989. 2. Fossil Microbial Mats in Terrigenous Clastics and Associated Sulphide Mineralization. Lecture at the University of Oldenburg, West Germany, November 17th 1989. 3. Stratabound Sulfide Mineralization in the Proterozoic Belt Basin. Lecture at Arizona State University, Tempe, April 9th 1991. 4. Microbial Mats as Surface Stabilizers in Terrigenous Sediments of the Belt Supergroup. Lecture at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, July 2nd 1991. 5. An Overview of the Depositional History of the Belt Basin, Mid-Proterozoic of Montana. Lecture at Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, July 4th 1991. 6. An Overview of the Depositional History of the Belt Basin, Mid-Proterozoic of Montana. Lecture at Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, July 9th 1991. 7. Geochemical Data from the Belt Supergroup in the Context of Basin Evolution. Lecture at Max-Planck Institut für Geochemie, Mainz, Germany, July 18th 1991. 8. Geochemical Data from the Belt Supergroup in the Context of Basin Evolution. Lecture at Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., January 10th 1992. 9. Sedimentologic, geochemical, and mineralogical features of the Belt Series and their bearing on the lacustrine vs marine debate. Presentation, Belt Symposium III, Whitefish, Montana, August 1993. 10. Early silica diagenesis in shales. Presentation, Clastic Diagenesis Research Group, AAPG Meeting in Houston, March 5 1995. 11. Sedimentologic, geochemical, and mineralogical features of the Belt Series and their bearing on the lacustrine vs marine debate. Lecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, April 24, 1995. 12. New sedimentologic observations on the Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee and Kentucky, and their bearing on the deposition and origin of black shales. Lecture, University of Iowa, Iowa City, September 9th, 1997. 13. Upper Devonian black shales of the eastern US: Results of sedimentologic and sequence stratigraphic investigations. Lecture, University of Mainz/Germany, November 13th, 1997. 14. Upper Devonian black shales of the eastern US: Results of sedimentologic and sequence stratigraphic investigations. Lecture, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, December 3rd, 1997. 15. Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional setting of the Late Devonian Chattanooga Shale: A shallow water black shale. Presentation, Exxon Production Research, Houston/TX, March 20, 1998. 16. Sedimentologic, geochemical, and mineralogical features of the Belt Series and their bearing on the lacustrine vs marine debate. Lecture, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson/TX, April 16, 1998. 17. Upper Devonian black shales of the eastern US: Results of sedimentologic and sequence stratigraphic investigations. Lecture, The University of Texas at Dallas, April 17, 1998. 18. A new look at an old shale: Implications of recent observations on the origin of the Chattanooga Shale in Tennessee. Lecture, Vanderbilt University, Nashville/TN, September 15, 1998. 19. A new look at an old shale: Implications of recent observations on the origin of the Chattanooga Shale in Tennessee. Lecture, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville/TN, September 16, 1998. 20. Sequence stratigraphy in black shales: Results of recent stratigraphic studies in the Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee. Lecture, University of Kentucky, Lexington/KY, September 17, 1998. 21. Results of recent sequence stratigraphic studies in the Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee: Implications for regional correlations. Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington/IN, September 22, 1998. 22. Results of recent sequence stratigraphic studies in the Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee: Implications for regional correlations. Lecture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati/OH, September 23, 1998. 23. Sedimentological Studies of Late Devonian Shales in the Eastern US: The Sequence Stratigraphic Consequences of New Sedimentologic and Petrographic Observations. Lecture, University of California, Riverside/CA, February 22, 1999. 24. Criteria to Identify Microbial Mat Deposits in the Terrigenous Clastic Rock Record: Learning from the Proterozoic to understand the Phanerozoic. Lecture, University of California, Riverside/CA, February 23, 1999. 25. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit. Lecture, Iowa State University, Ames/Iowa, February 7, 2000. 26. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit. Lecture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati/Ohio, September 22, 2000. 27. Of Mudstones, Microbes, and Mars. Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington/Indiana, April 26, 2001. 28. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit (2nd edition). Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington/Indiana, April 27, 2001. 29. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit (2nd edition). Lecture, University of Texas at Austin, Austin/Texas, October 15, 2001. 30. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit (2nd edition). Lecture, IUPUI, Indianapolis, October 3, 2003. 31. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit (2nd edition). Lecture, Purdue University, Lafayette/Indiana, December 4, 2003. 32. Tales of Pyrite Ooids: Small Grains – Big Implications. Lecture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati/Ohio, February 6, 2004. 33. The Potential Importance of Diagenetically Redistributed Biogenic Silica for the Gas Potential of the New Albany Shale. Workshop, 2004 Indiana Oil & Gas Association Annual Meeting. Evansville, Indiana, October 13, 2004. 34. Tales of Pyrite Ooids: Small Grains – Big Implications. Lecture, University of Texas, Austin/Texas, November 29, 2004. 35. Shale Studies at Indiana University. Lecture, ChevronTexaco, Houston, Texas, September 1, 2005. 36. Mudstones and Microbes – An Intimate Association. Lecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, November 10, 2005. 37. Studying Shales for Fun and Profit (3rd edition). Lecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, November 11, 2005. 38. Shale Provenance from Quartz Grains. Lecture, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, Texas, November 29, 2005. 39. How Anoxic Was It? Lecture, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, Texas, November 30, 2005. 40. The Key Roles of Mudstones for Unlocking Geological History and Understanding the Hydrocarbon System. Lecture, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 14, 2006. 41. The Eberswalde Deltaic Complex as a High Science-Return Target for the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory. Presentation, 1st Mars Science Lab Landing Site Conference, Pasadena, California, June 1, 2006. 42. Mars Unser Sedimentärer Nachbarplanet. Lecture at the University of Tübingen, Germany, July 27th, 2006. 43. Mars Unser Nachbarplanet, So Seltsam Vertraut und Doch So Anders. Lecture at the Rieskratermuseum, Nördlingen, Germany, August 3rd, 2006. 44. How Anoxic Was It? Lecture on black shales at the University of Köln, Germany, August 9th, 2006. 45. MSL Site: The Eberswalde Deltaic Complex. Presentation, 2nd Mars Science Lab Landing Site Conference, Pasadena, California, October 24, 2007. 46. Narrative of an Unrepentant Shale Geologist. Lecture at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, January 24th, 2008. 47. Mudstone Sedimentology: From Field Studies to Flume Studies. Lecture, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, Texas, February 7, 2008. 48. Authigenic Silica in Mudstones: Impact on Porosity. Lecture, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, Texas, February 8, 2008. 49. The Eberswalde Crater MSL Landing Site with Emphasis on Depositional Setting. Presentation, 3rd Mars Science Lab Landing Site Conference, Monrovia, California, September 16, 2008. 50. The Petrographic Study of Shales and Applications to Gas Shale Exploration. Presentation, Encana Inc., Denver, December 9, 2008. 51. Flume Studies of Mudstone Deposition and Erosion. Lecture, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Co., Houston, Texas, February 4, 2009. 52. Petrography, Sedimentology, and Sequence Stratigraphy of Shales and Mudstones. Lecture, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Co., Houston, Texas, February 12, 2009. 53. Flume Studies of Mudstone Deposition and Erosion. Lecture, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co., Houston, Texas, March 26, 2009. 54. Flume Studies of Mudstone Deposition and Erosion. Lecture, University of Massachusetts/Amherst and Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, April 10, 2009. 55. Reiseziel Mars – Die Suche Nach Einem Landplatz. Lecture at the Rieskratermuseum, Nördlingen, Germany, July 16th, 2009. 56. Narrative of an Unrepentant Shale Geologist. Lecture sponsored by Houston Geological Society and University of Houston, Houston, Texas, November 16th, 2009. 57. Production of Silt-Laminated Shales from Moving Suspensions: Flume Experiments and Analogs in Natural Settings. Lecture, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Co., Houston, Texas, December 11, 2009. 58. Why Mudstones have a Key Role in Unlocking Geological History and Understanding the Hydrocarbon System. Lecture, Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Houston, Texas, August 17th, 2010. 59. The IU Shale Research Lab. Lecture, Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Houston, Texas, August 18th, 2010. 60. Why Mudstones have a Key Role in Unlocking Geological History and Understanding the Hydrocarbon System. Lecture, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, November 2nd, 2010. 61. Shale Research at Indiana University – An Overview. Lecture, Shell Oil Inc., Houston, Texas, November 3rd, 2010. 62. Scaling Up Shale Properties – A Billion Dollar Question Without Simple Answers. Lecture, Marathon Oil Inc., Houston, Texas, December 3rd, 2010. 63. Flume Studies of Shale Sedimentology - Implications for the Rock Record, Shale Microfabrics & Pore Development. Hedberg Conference: Critical Assessment of Shale Resource Plays; Austin, Texas, December 7th 2010 64. Reverse Engineering Mother Nature- The Significance of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology. Houston Geological Society Applied Geoscience Conference - Applied Reservoir Characterization of US Gulf Region Mudrocks as Shale Gas/Oil Reservoirs. The Woodlands, Texas, February 7th, 2011. 65. Flume Studies of Shale Sedimentology - Implications for the Rock Record, Shale Microfabrics & Pore Development. Lecture, University of Vienna, Austria, August 10, 2011. 66. Flume Studies of Shale Sedimentology - Implications for the Rock Record, Shale Microfabrics & Pore Development. Schlumberger/TerraTek, Salt Lace City, Utah, September 19th, 2011. 67. The Benefits of Shale Petrography. Schlumberger/TerraTek, Salt Lace City, Utah, September 19th, 2011. 68. Flume Experiments with Clay-Silt-Carbonate Mud Mixtures: Depositional Processes, Observed Sedimentary Features, and their Potential Counterparts in the Rock Record. Houston Geological Society Applied Geoscience Mudrocks Conference. Houston, Texas, February 20th, 2012. 69. A Travelogue of Shale Research From the Precambrian to the Modern. Shell Oil Inc., Research Lab, Houston, Texas, February 22nd, 2012. 70. Flume Experiments with Clay-Silt-Carbonate Mud Mixtures: Depositional Processes, Observed Sedimentary Features, and their Potential Counterparts in the Rock Record. Lecture, Anadarko Petroleum Corp., The Woodlands, Texas, February 23rd, 2012. 71. Flume Research in Shale Sedimentology at Indiana University. Lecture, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, March 12th, 2012. 72. Shale Research as a Frontier and Opportunity. Lecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl, March 15th, 2012. 73. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. Keynote lecture, Geoshale 2012 Conference, Warsaw/Poland, May 15 2012. 74. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments, Co-Flocculation of Marine Organic Matter with Clays, and Applications to the Rock Record. Keynote lecture, Poland Shale Gas Summit 2012, Warsaw/Poland, May 18 2012. 75. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. Statoil Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, October 15-17, 2012. 76. The Mars Science Lab landing and recent geologic investigations in Gale Crater on Mars. Lecture, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, February 28th, 2013. 77. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, March 1st, 2013. 78. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. Presentation at core workshop with Field Trip 1, Organic-Rich Shales of New York AAPG Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, May 16-18 2013. 79. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. Schlumberger Innovation Center, July 9 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah. 80. The Mars Science Lab Landing & Recent Geologic Investigations in Gale Crater on Mars. Lecture at the Rieskratermuseum, Nördlingen, Germany, July 8th, 2013. 81. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. (keynote) Gussow Geoscience Conference, October 15-17 2013, Banff, Alberta. 82. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. Rocky Mountain SEPM Section monthly meeting, November 26 2013, Denver, Colorado. 83. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. Whiting Petroleum Corp. and Noble Oil Corp., Denver, Colorado, November 26 2013. 84. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, May 1 2014. 85. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. Tulsa Geological Society, Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 27 2014. 86. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Fort Worth Geological Society, Fort Worth, Texas, October 22 2014. 87. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Four Corners Geological Society, Farmington, New Mexico, October 24 2014. 88. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Grand Junction Geological Society, Grand Junction, Colorado, October 27 2014. 89. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Montana Geological Society, Billings, Montana, October 29 2014. 90. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 30 2014. 91. Mud Re-Distribution in Epicontinental Basins - Likely Processes and Examples. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 30 2014. 92. Contrasting Parameters of Deposition and Erosion of High vs. Low-Latitude Muddy Shelf Seas – An Experimental Perspective. Schlumberger-Terratek, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 31 2014. 93. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, Newfoundland, February 9 2015. 94. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, February 10 2015. 95. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Illinois Geological Society, Mt. Vernon, Illinois, February 11 2015. 96. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, February 12 2015. 97. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, February 13 2015. 98. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, April 27 2015. 99. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, April 29 2015. 100. An Overview of Experimental Mudstone Sedimentology – Results of Experiments and Applications to the Rock Record. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, April 30 2015. 101. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, May 1 2015. 102. The Connection Between Depositional Processes, Depositional History, Diagenesis, and Porosity in Shales - A Conceptual Perspective. Shales at all Scales Conference, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Invited Lecture, conference organized by Sandia Labs, June 8-11 2015. 103. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. Schlumberger Eureka Geology Community Webinar #1, January 20 2016. 104. The Journey of Curiosity through the Stratigraphy of Gale Crater, Mars - Roving 3.8 billion years back into the past at a snail's pace. Astronomisch-Physikalisches Kabinett & Planetarium, Kassel, Germany, April 27 2016. 105. A Conceptual Perspective on Processes that Deposit Mud and their Impact on Shale Fabrics and Future Pore Systems. Wintershall AG, Kassel, Germany, April 29 2016. 106. Depositional Process - Fabric - Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. University of Vienna, Austria, May 12 2016. 107. The Journey of Curiosity through the Stratigraphy of Gale Crater, Mars - Roving 3.8 billion years back into the past at a snail's pace. University of Vienna, Austria, May 19 2016. 108. The Journey of Curiosity through the Stratigraphy of Gale Crater, Mars - Roving 3.8 billion years back into the past at a snail's pace. University of Iasi, Romania, May 20 2016. 109. The Journey of Curiosity through the Stratigraphy of Gale Crater, Mars - Roving 3.8 billion years back into the past at a snail's pace. Rieskrater Museum, Noerdlingen, Germany, June 2 2016. 110. Directions in Shale Research. Marathon Oil, Houston, Tx, March 20 2017. 111. Directions in Shale Research. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Lab, Spring, Tx, March 22 2017. 112. Directions in Shale Research. Shell Oil Research Lab, Houston, Tx, March 22 2017. 113. Directions in Shale Research. Chrevon Inc., Houston, Tx, March 23 2017. 114. The Journey of Curiosity through the Stratigraphy of Gale Crater, Mars - Roving 3.8 billion years back into the past at a snail's pace. NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, October 27 2017. 115. Exploration of Martian Geology and Surface Environments with the Curiosity Rover at Gale Crater, Mars. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, October 30 2017. 116. Depositional Process - Fabric - Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. China Petroleum Corporation Research Lab, Miaoli, Taiwan, October 31 2017. 117. Flume Studies in Mudstone Sedimentology. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Lab, Spring, Tx, March 20 2018. 118. Directions in Shale Research. Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Houston, Texas, March 20, 2018. 119. Flume Studies of Mudstone Deposition and Erosion. Marathon Oil, Houston, Tx, March 19 2018. 120. Indications for sulfate evaporites in the Murray Formation. MSL Team meeting in Pasadena, 9/25 2018. 121. Directions in Shale Research. IOGA Annual meeting in New Harmony, Indiana, 10/11 2018. 122. With One Arm Tied Behind Your Back. Doing Geology by Proxy in a Faraway Place (Mars). Gallagher Lecture, University of Calgary, 11/6 2018. 123. Flume Studies of Mudstone Deposition and Erosion. Petrobras Research Lab, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 11/21 2018. 124. Directions in Shale Research. Petrochina Research Lab, Beijing, China, June 27, 2019. 125. Directions in Shale Research. University of Pretoria, South Africa, August 6, 2019. 126. Depositional Process – Fabric – Pore: Conceptualizing the connection between depositional regime, pore types, and porosity in mudstones. ENI Research Lab, Milan, Italy, September 6 2019. 127. Directions in Shale Research. Petrobras Research Lab, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 1/7 2020. 128. Directions in Shale Research. Department of Energy Resources and Petroleum Energy, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, 4/28/2021.
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